Shopping Points & Referral Promo

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Start your Referral Program and win cash prizes!

Give your friend 5% Discount and you will get 100 points. All points you collected by sharing your own unique referral link are convertible to cash prizes. The more you share, the more you earn money. Sign up HERE

Shop & Earn Points 

Shop and start earning discount coupon and points. All points you collected are convertible to cash prize.  Sign up HERE

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Unlimited Cash Prize up to 1,000,000

Here are the prizes you can Win
Bronze Level
$ 5  OFF COUPON  =  500 Points     
$ 10 OFF COUPON =    1,000 Points
$ 20  OFF COUPON =     2,000 Points

Silver Level
$ 100  CASH  =    10,000  Points
$ 1,000 CASH  =  100, 000 Points
$ 5,000 CASH =  500,000 Points
 $ 10,000 CASH  = 1,000,000 Points

Gold Level
$ 100,000 CASH = 10,000,000 Points
$ 500,000 CASH  = 50,000,000 Points
 $ 1,000,000 CASH  = 100,000,000 Points

How to claim Prize?

1. For $5 to $20 Coupon you can claim your discount coupon in the gift box below upon reaching the total number  points required.

2. For $100 to $ 1 Million you can claim by sending us the coupon code in the gift box  below upon reaching the total number points required at  Email :  All Claims subject for verification. Prize to be send via Bank Tranfer as per Client used or submitted bank accounts. All Cash prize subject for tax, tranfer fee, bank charges, remittance charge, currency convertion charges, & other charges to be deducted in the prize.

Your  can see  your unique Refferal Link, total points, earnings, coupon upon Account Log in and Click the Gift box below.


Join now and be the biggest winner. Shop Now & Refer a friend ! Register  HERE  and click the  Gift box icon below. Good luck !

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